About Me

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I am an 18 year old senior from Ohio, and I the mind of a 12 year old guy ( I grew up with guys, I get the jokes) I am a scorpio, and I love pasta, and hate snow days ( weird huh?) I go by Olga, and Kittycat, Precious Baby girl, and Iv, Livy, which ever little nickname you can get from Olivia, but no to Big O

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Who's Toby?

 Reservoir Dogs....a classic at just 18 years old ( I know this because it was made the year I was born) Basic Plot: hired job for several, have never met thives, that just turns wrong with the threat of a rat in the group. This movie was cool. It opens up with a bunch of con men discussing the song "Like a Virgin" by Madonna? Is that not interesting? It has some other interesting parts if you think about it? Like the opening credits is the gang walking down a street in slow-mo with nice suits on....can you say Men's Wearhouse Comercial lol I love that. They all go by colors for an alias (Mr. White, Mr. Brown, Mr. Blue, Mr.Orange, Mr. Blonde and Mr. Pink) It is very funny somehow when they try to switch color, it is like picking tribe names for camp, it takes FOREVER! There was blood and emotion, which isn't exactly shown in guys in movies like this, so kudos! There is the ear scene and the song "Stuck in the Middle with You" a classic icon of the movie. I think Tim Roth's pep talk into the mirror could be the one everyone needs, no matter how young or old. In the end all I want is the soundtrack, no matter how many songs are on it :) What do I give this movie? 4 RABIDSTARFISH!!!! It did have some times when there was nothing but I will not question the mind of Q.T due to the fact he is up there and I am down here lol.  So Reservoir Dogs...here is to another 18 years for the both of us...cheers!

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