About Me

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I am an 18 year old senior from Ohio, and I the mind of a 12 year old guy ( I grew up with guys, I get the jokes) I am a scorpio, and I love pasta, and hate snow days ( weird huh?) I go by Olga, and Kittycat, Precious Baby girl, and Iv, Livy, which ever little nickname you can get from Olivia, but no to Big O

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

"That's a Bingo!"

 What can not be said about this movie?!? This is by far my favorite movie of all time (and that is saying something) It starts off a thing in me that just never gets old no matter how many times I see it. The Basterds...enough said..are a bunch of bad-ass Americans/Europeans who are pissed and are bringing down a group of people regarded as history's monster...and take care of them quite nicely ;) When it comes to the characters themselves....they got the right people for the job, hint hint Eli Roth!!! Hitler can hang him from the Eiffle Tower naked...I wouldn't care lol. The bear jew is the first place runner for which basterd I would want to carry one of their babies! I also kept hoping Mike Myers would break by chance into Austin Powers, but maybe he did and it is never spoken of.  Hugo Stiglitz, major bad-ass because he never says much and he gets to you still. Shosanna has done something I could have never done and that is burn film!!!! But to take out the Third Reich...of course, plus Marcel ain't a bad looking french man! Artie Hitcox (Michael Fassbender) is the only hot british guy that I can think of and actually looks nice with that mustache. Coolest name goes to Bridgette Von Hammersmark...I mean come on that is pretty damn awesome Diane, next time get a guy that hides a southern accent and actually looks Italian.Ok? As for Landa, I have to give props for being able to not only cross the language barrier, 4 TIMES, but to be hated and charming at the same time ( he deserved his Golden Globe and Oscar) B.J Novak and Omar Doom SHOUT OUT TO THE LITTLE GUYS WE LOVE YOU!!! :) Fredrick Zeller gets the determined German stalker award in my book for the year. I almost forgot Brad Pitt, he is the reason I might have the urge to go to Tennessee ( no offense) He has the best monolouge in the entire movie! He is so cool with the part in general. But aside from the quirky parts, I found alot of symbolism in the movie. When Landa (who was so needy that he might be the kid not getting off santa's lap) is at lunch with Shosanna, and puts out his german cigg on the french pastry, it has the idea of the germans power on France at the time. The music Quentin Tarantino has in his movie ( or all of them for that matter ) are so odd that is works! Plus it gives you a good history lesson like I didn't know Hitler was made of wax? lol, but seriously I should leave that alone right? I do feel bad for the guy on the bike in the end though to be honest. And I will say if I had to chose where I would die...movie theater would be number one. So what do I give this movie? 5 RABIDSTARFISH! It made me so happy to see this movie, not even a week later I bought my first video camera ok? Plus it introduced me to the amazing ability of Eli Roth and now his movies, which I am becoming a fan of :) So go and see it dammit! Because if my mom, who isn't big on violence, shouts "Kill him Dammit!" at Donny and Omar, it has to be good. So here's to you guys who were part of, made or even got take out for the memebrs on set and off, I salute you!
                                                                Stars: *****

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